Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Making labels...and mess

I wanted some really nice looking plant markers, I know how silly that sounds, plant markers should just be practical surely? No I want practical and pretty. It gave me an excuse to trawl through Pinterest, not that I  ever need an excuse really. There really are some very creative people out there, so I've 'borrowed' some ideas and played about with them...well simplified I mean;)

I want to mark the different varieties of potato that I'm planting out on the plot as well as all the other veg and fruit that will eventually join them out there. I've just got some asparagus crowns through the post so I can label them up too, if I can fit the name Guelph Millennium onto one stick!

I have been using large lollipop sticks and I had some letter stamps from a previous trip I took into crafty land, can't honestly remember what that was but I know a craft fair was involved. Most importantly I got myself some varnish that should, fingers crossed, help make them survive the great outdoors.

Small boy got involved as soon as he saw it had potential for mess too...we had a lovely morning, though I could have done without the black handprints that appeared all over the kitchen!

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Comments are always welcome, nice kind ones at least! Any advice for a complete novice would also be gratefully received:) Thanks.