It's a very new site, half of it is still being developed from an old council nursery site that was abandoned years ago under what is called an 'Urban Nature Project'. It's a lovely idea and I feel very lucky to have my little slice of it in the form of my allotment plot but the lack of water is going to be hard to cope with if they can't sort it out soon.
Apparently they took a while to even find where the water main was and (rumour has it) found it by a digger accidently putting holes in it and flooding the nearby golf way of finding it I guess:) So we ask the man in the digger (a different digger) who is excavating the ground for the other new allotments and he shrugs...I email the lady at the council and she is helpful but diplomatic. We have no idea when we will have water on the site, the lovely brand new taps remain useful only for hanging our coats on:)
We have been using a beautiful old 'well' that used to supply the water to the monks at the nearby Abbey years ago, I don't know how true that is but I love the picture it conjures up of the monks in their robes trouping down to collect their water. It's not a Jack and Jill well, there is no bucket that plunges down into a bottomless hole. It is just a very simple trough fed by a spring that the Bluebells seem to appreciate. It is enough for now and I quite like the connection to the history of the place that using it is giving me. Perhaps, I should don a hooded monks robe and go the whole way...perhaps not, I'd just look like Yoda with a bucket...not really a good look for anyone!
Besides this is England and as we all will fact is that a cloud?