Friday, 25 September 2015

Being able to get where you are going...and allotment thoughts...

We had to get rid of my trusty little Clio a while ago now, we just couldn't afford or justify being a 2 car family. So my rusty bucket of a car that I got when I became a single mother and had beautifully trundled me and my 2 older boys about for a good 11 years had to go. New man, new life, bye was hard to see it go it symbolized a bit of an era for me (in fact Chris had to watch it go I hid at work, pathetic girl!) Anyway I'm over it now, it's fine not having a car most of the time. I quite like the bus even though I spend a silly amount of time on it going to and from work, I wrote this little post about it a while ago. When I miss my Clio the most though is when Chris is away (with car) and I have no way of getting to the allotment when I have small boy in tow, it's just slightly too far for his little legs.

But when I do have the car (or the freedom time to walk) the allotment is the first place I go, it's where I want to be most of the time if I'm honest. It has suffered a bit this year and I haven't had great crops of anything from it really, I've been a bit envious of all the Instagram and Twitter posts of other peoples beautiful veggie bounties. There have been times when I have wondered if I can actually cope with it at all, slugs have had a field day (what does that actually mean, 'field day'?) the bindweed has had a laugh and my turnips, beetroots and radishes have all come up looking like patterns in lace design. I have discovered there are actually things called flea beetles, really? I  think sometimes nature is just having a bit of a laugh at our expense!  Then I have sat and listened to the bees in the borage and picked my beautiful borlottis that haven't failed me (second time round!) and been slightly in awe of the artichokes and thought, 'well it could be worst and there is always next year'.


 The seed catalogues are coming fast and furiously through the door tempting me with all kinds of things though I'm really not brave enough to try celery, for some reason it scares me;) I want to try sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, salsify...and I will get squashes to work for me somehow! I'm going to save up for a greenhouse or would a poly tunnel be better? 

I'm planting a wildlife friendly flower patch with the bargains you can get from garden centres and B&Q at this time of year. I've just got a large Verbena plant for £3 which looked a bit sorry for itself but it will come back and be beautiful next year (I hope). I've got Foxglove seedlings that will be big enough to go in next year and I'm wanting to plant a Honeysuckle on the allotment fence next to my plot that will hopefully be rampant enough to do battle with the bindweed!

I'm not going to give up, I love my allotment and I will do my best to get it too love me too:) Next year will be I have to study my seed catalogues, there really are very few things that make me happier...I know I've said it before, I need to get out more...yes, to my allotment!! 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Holiday moments...

Now that I am well an truly back at work and everyone has started to talk about the end of summer, which makes me a little sad, I thought it was a good time to sort through all the photos from our camping holiday in Norfolk and share a few of them as a bit of a lovely (sunny) memory. The rain has been pretty much consistent recently (I got rained off the allotment the other day...even with a shed to hide in!) and we had the heating on for the first time the other night. Chris is still resistant to getting any logs for our wood burner but I'm sure it won't be long before we have that lit and will be having to get daft dog to move from right in front of it! (for such a lithe dog he does manage to hog the heat some how)

Small boy is also back at school and already on only the second day he is very cross that he has to go again! I ran off this morning before he was told he was also at after school club, coward that I am...sorry Chris for leaving you with that one!

Things I really miss about our lovely canvas break...the huge skies, brilliant sunsets, the sea, the sand, the sound of the steam train, being outside, friendly camping folk, children playing, no screens (tv, computer) ice cream...

Things I really don't, this list is harder...washing up, always seems to be far more when you're camping! Wasps, searching for the toothpaste...